Q) Vending Machine ate my money, how do I get a refund?
A) if you purchased using a credit card we can refund directly to your card, if you used cash we can refund that via Venmo, Google Wallet, Zelle or by mailing it to your residence.
Q) My product was not delivered, my card is showing a pending charge. How do I get my refund?
A) Every machine has a laser in the delivery tray, if that laser was not broken (aka no product entered the delivery tray) within 24 hours the credit card reader and your bank will automatically remove this pending charge.
Q) What is a micro market? (click here)
A) A micro market is a small convenience store inside an office building. It is a self check-out kiosk, in a locked room available to employees only.
Q) What can I buy in a micro market?
A) We have over 350 variety of items to choose from including, soda, energy drinks, fruit juices, coffee (hot & cold), milk, cheeses, fresh sandwiches, salads, nuts, meat snacks, chips, candy, pastries, sundry items, etc.
Q) What is a Pantry? (click here)
A) A pantry is used when a company wants to give their employees the option to snack for free. An employee perk of working at the location.
Q) What are the benefits of having a micro market?
A) More options, guaranteed delivery. Workers aren’t late coming back from lunch, nor flustered from traffic, long lines, nor having to skip meals if lunch break is too short.